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Hello, Eric here.

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Hello, Eric here. Empty Hello, Eric here.

Post  Ziggy Thu Jul 21, 2011 12:59 am

I'm new here so i'll be pleased to introduce myself.
Here it goes:
Hey, my name's Eric Poitras.
They all call me Ziggy, because Bob Ziggy Marley is my idol.
You can call me Ziggy also.
I live in a small town called Grand Falls, it is situated in a small region of Canada
called New Brunswick.
I've been playing conquer for a while now.
I'm French, so my main language is French but i also know English very well.
I will be playing with the name Ziggy, and will be glad to help in game also on forum.
If you have any questions, you can send me a message on forum or even message me in game.

Kind regards.


Posts : 1
Points : 3
Join date : 2011-07-21
Age : 30
Location : Grand falls, NB, Canada.

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